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Why do cats vomit?

Vomiting in cats can be caused by various reasons such as overeating, gastritis, parasite infection, and intestinal obstruction. If the cause is overeating, it can increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract and affect the normal digestion of food, making vomiting a normal phenomenon and generally not something to be overly concerned about. If the vomiting is abnormal and accompanied by symptoms such as acid reflux and stomach pain, it is recommended that the owner take the cat to a regular hospital for inspection and treat it according to the inspection results.

  1. Overeating

If a cat eats too much, it can affect food digestion and metabolism, causing food to accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract, leading to vomiting. To resolve this, reduce the cat's food intake, feed it smaller meals more frequently, and offer easily digestible foods such as egg custard and vegetables to alleviate damage to the stomach.

  1. Gastritis

Usually caused by an unhealthy diet and Helicobacter pylori infection, gastritis manifests as middle-upper abdominal pain, loss of appetite, belching, and acid reflux. timely treatment is necessary to prevent food indigestion and vomiting. The cat should follow the doctor's advice and take digestive enzymes to improve digestion.

  1. Parasite infection

Usually caused by poor饮食习惯,parasites inhabit the intestinal tract, causing symptoms such as nausea, stomach pain, and vomiting. This can lead to parasites in stools. To improve the situation, follow the doctor's guidance and administer deworming medication to expel parasites from the intestine, increase appetite, and alleviate vomiting.

  1. Intestinal obstruction

If a cat suffers from an intestinal obstruction, it can cause food to accumulate in the intestine, leading to vomiting, decreased appetite, and severe abdominal pain. It is recommended that the owner take the cat to the hospital for a detailed examination and follow the doctor's advice on treating the condition through surgery.