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Why do dog ears stand up and lie down on one side?

The phenomenon of a dog's ears standing up and lying down on one side may be caused by genetic reasons, poor ear development, or calcium deficiency.

  1. Genetic reasons

If a dog's ears have always been standing up and lying down, or if they used to be lying down and now one of them stands up, it may be due to genetic reasons. Because if one of the parents has standing ears and the other doesn't, it will cause the dog's ears to stand up on one side and lie down on the other.

  1. Poor ear development

If the dog is originally a standing-eared breed, and its ears are standing up and lying down, it may be due to congenital ear development problems. If the owner wants to restore the lying ear to its normal position, they can take the dog to the pet hospital for an ear-standing surgery. It is recommended to do the surgery when the dog is 3-5 months old, so the recovery is faster and the damage is minimal.

  1. Calcium deficiency

If the dog's original two ears were standing up, but now one is standing and one is lying down, it may be due to calcium deficiency. When a dog is deficient in calcium, it can cause poor bone development, which also affects the development of ear cartilage. In this case, the owner needs to supplement the dog's calcium intake to help it stand up early, and pay attention to scientific feeding to ensure a balanced diet. In addition, if a dog is in a state of long-term calcium deficiency, it will seriously affect bone development, resulting in dwarfism, bowlegs, etc.