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What's the deal with Teddy eating grass?

When a dog's stomach is uncomfortable, they may eat grass to induce vomiting. Dogs, out of curiosity, may also be attracted to the fresh scent of grass and take a few bites. Additionally, it could be a case of pica, a condition where dogs eat non-food items. This can usually be resolved by giving the dog multivitamins. Eating a little grass isn't a big deal for dogs, but it should be stopped because grass can contain bacteria and even pesticides that can affect a dog's health.

1. Inducing vomiting

When a dog's stomach is uncomfortable, they may eat grass to vomit, emptying their stomach to reduce the burden on their digestive system.

2. Curiosity

Teddy is very curious, and when dogs are playing outside, they may be attracted to the fresh scent of grass and take a few bites.

3. Pica

It's also possible that eating grass is a symptom of pica. Common causes of pica include deficiency of essential minerals, trace elements, and vitamin C. If your dog consistently eats grass when taken outside, it could be a sign of mineral deficiency.

Always stop your dog from eating grass when you see them doing it, as it can lead to indigestion and even constipation.


During insecticide application season, some communities spray pesticides on the surrounding grass. So, it's best to avoid letting your dog chew on roadside grass during that time. Ask your neighbors or the community management if they have recently applied pesticides to avoid poisoning from accidental consumption.