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Why do dogs like to sleep near their owner's bed
Dogs may like to sleep near their owner's bed because it makes them feel more secure and comfortable, or because they love their owner and want to be by their side at all times. If the owner wants to change this situation, they need to correct it in a timely manner, such as by preparing a warm dog bed for them to gradually develop the habit of sleeping alone.
- Security
Some dogs have smaller personalities and therefore lack a sense of security. Sleeping near their owner allows them to smell their owner's scent, which provides them with enough security to sleep more peacefully and relaxed.
- Comfort
Usually, the bedroom of the owner has air conditioning. In the hot summer, dogs will sleep near the owner's bed because it is cooler in the room. Similarly, when dogs feel cold, they will also sleep near the owner's bed to feel warmer. Some dogs even crawl into the owner's quilt.
- Love for the owner
Dogs may also like to sleep near their owner's bed because they are too attached to their owner and want to be with them all the time. It may also be that the owner is away from home for a short period of time, so the dog wants to spend more time with them. In summary, all of this is an expression of the dog's love for their owner. Therefore, if the owner has time, they are advised to spend more time with their dog.