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Why do dogs suddenly get brain inflammation?
When a dog suddenly develops brain inflammation, poisoning is a primary consideration. Additionally, there may be other causes as well. Since brain inflammation occurs over a certain period of time, it's possible that during this time, the dog showed no obvious symptoms but suddenly developed them as the disease progressed to a certain stage. Brain inflammation refers to an inflammatory disease of the meninges and brain parenchyma, which is usually severe and can easily threaten the dog's life.
The causes of sudden brain inflammation in dogs include infectious and non-infectious factors. Infectious factors leading to sudden brain inflammation in dogs mainly include viral, bacterial, and protozoal infections. These causes all have a time-consuming process, with mild early symptoms that become more prominent as the disease progresses. Non-infectious causes mainly include poisoning, immune-mediated diseases, trauma, tumors, etc. Poisoning is a likely cause for sudden brain inflammation in dogs, especially when it comes to neurotoxic substances.
When a dog suddenly develops brain inflammation, they will exhibit neurological symptoms. These include meningeal irritation symptoms, focal brain symptoms, and general brain symptoms. Meningeal irritation symptoms mainly manifest as extreme sensitivity in the neck and back, with dogs showing strong pain reactions to even minor stimuli in these areas. Focal brain symptoms clinical manifestations mainly include unstable gait, circling, and even frothing at the mouth, epileptic-like tremors, etc. General brain symptoms mainly include excitement, restlessness, and fear, with some dogs showing symptoms such as depression, head drooping, etc.
Brain inflammation can be preliminarily diagnosed based on symptoms and medical history, but determining the exact cause requires additional diagnostic methods, such as cerebrospinal fluid serology tests, computerized tomography scans, magnetic resonance imaging, etc. Then, treatment can be carried out based on the findings.