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Do Teddy dogs shake when they have a cold?

Teddy dogs may shake when they have a cold. The reasons why dogs shake may include feeling cold, injury, calcium deficiency, mental tension, and physical discomfort. When a dog shows this symptom, it is necessary to promptly identify the cause and treat it accordingly.

Causes of Shaking

When the weather gets colder in winter, if the owner does not provide adequate warmth for the dog, the dog may shake due to the cold. Or if the dog has a long-term calcium deficiency, it can lead to leg weakness, causing the dog to shake or cramp. It may also be due to stimulation or stress that causes the dog to shake. In addition, if the dog has neurological muscle diseases, injuries, or distemper, the dog may constantly shake, and the owner should take the dog to the hospital for treatment in a timely manner.

What to Do If the Dog Shakes and Feverish

A dog's normal body temperature is higher than a human's normal temperature. A dog's normal temperature ranges from 38°C to 39°C, with puppies having a higher temperature. A dog may shake due to fear, and young dogs need time to adapt in unfamiliar environments. It's also possible that the indoor temperature is too low. You can adjust the indoor temperature or use a small heater, electric blanket, or alternative warming methods if you don't have air conditioning.

What Medicine to Give a Dog That Shakes

First, you need to find out the cause of the dog's shaking. If it's due to a neurological disease, the dog will need to take oral neuro stabilizers. If it's a complication of infectious diseases such as distemper, the dog will need to take neuro stabilizers while treating the underlying infectious disease. If the shaking is caused by heart disease, such as epileptic seizures, the dog can take oral medications like Q Ten. Note that dogs occasionally shaking during sleep may not require medication.