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Why does my cat keep digging in the cat litter?

Your cat may be digging in the cat litter because it wants to defecate or urinate. If your cat digs in the cat litter but doesn't actually defecate or urinate after doing so, it might just be playing with the cat litter. During this process, be sure not to let your cat accidentally ingest the cat litter to avoid intestinal obstruction, indigestion, and other diseases. Particularly for cats under four months old, they should avoid eating cat litter.

What's going on if my cat keeps digging in the cat litter?

Your cat keeps digging in the cat litter to cover up its feces and mask its scent. In nature, cats use leaves, dirt, or sand to bury their feces after using the bathroom to avoid being detected by predators and to stay safe. This habit has been passed down to domestic cats. Choose natural, fragrance-free cat litter for your cat.

Cat personality

Cats have different personalities depending on their breed and upbringing. Generally, domesticated cats are affectionate, loving, curious, active, clean, and have strong memories, but some cats may be more aloof and not as attached to their owners. A cat's personality is partially related to the owner's guidance and education.

How to train a cat

  1. First, establish a good relationship with your cat, so that it becomes familiar with you, likes you, and listens to you. Spend more time with your cat, play with it when you have time, and occasionally stroke and comfort it to help it become accustomed to you quickly.
  2. Be patient when training your cat, and give it rewards when it does something right, and discipline it when it does something wrong.
  3. It's better to proceed gradually with training.