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Black substance in cat's nails

If your indoor cat often goes outside to play in the grass, it is normal for their nails to be dirty with soil and debris when they return. If your cat frequently goes outside, it may easily contract fungal infections causing ringworm. You can trim your cat's nails when it comes home. If your cat stays indoors and takes regular baths, but still has dirt in its nails, consider whether it has ear mites. Cats often scratch themselves with their claws, potentially transferring ear mites and their waste from their ears to their claws.

Black substance in cat's nails

If your cat's nails have a black substance, it could be due to unclean litter boxes or delayed cleaning. Cats are likely to step on dirty things if the litter box is not clean enough. Additionally, there might be wounds or skin diseases in the nail beds, which can cause crusts if the condition is severe. As a pet owner, you should first clean the black dirt and check for wounds. If there are ulcerated wounds, it is advised to take your cat to the vet for diagnosis and treatment.

Cat nail injuries

Cat nail splits can be caused by the following reasons: First, when a cat's nails are too long, they may grind them on hard surfaces, causing splits. The owner should file the split nails and trim them regularly. Second, nail splits can also be caused by a lack of calcium and vitamins in the cat's diet. The owner should supplement their cat's diet with appropriate amounts of vitamin D and calcium tablets.

Benefits of cats eating vitamin B

Vitamin B is a vital water-soluble vitamin that maintains normal cat function and metabolic activity. Cats cannot synthesize vitamin B themselves and must receive it externally. Long-term inappropriate diets, specific drug use, and the water-soluble nature of vitamin B can lead to rapid consumption of the vitamin in a cat's body. Therefore, it is necessary to supplement accordingly.