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Can a cat with feline distemper eat without vomiting or diarrhea?

Yes, a cat with feline distemper who does not have vomiting or diarrhea can eat moderately. It is best to feed the cat with some liquid food at this time. If the cat vomits, it is not advisable to feed it. If the symptoms are severe, take the cat to the hospital for treatment, as the mortality rate of feline distemper is very high.

Can a cat with feline distemper eat?

Cats are prone to severe diarrhea and vomiting during feline distemper. If the vomiting symptom is not controlled, it is not recommended to feed the cat. If the vomiting is well controlled, the cat can eat some low-fat and easy-to-digest foods, such as intestinal prescription food, chicken breast, and low-fat and easy-to-digest cans.同时 supplement nutritional paste to replenish the vitamins lost due to diarrhea.

Can a cat with feline distemper take human medicine?

Feline distemper is not effectively treated with human medicine, and it requires symptomatic treatment and injection of monoclonal antibodies to help the cat fight the virus. First, cats should not take human medicine, as the dosage is relatively large for animals and can cause harm to the cat. Second, there are many drugs for treating feline distemper, and the general treatment plan consists of symptomatic treatment, strengthening the cat's immunity, and injecting monoclonal antibodies, which can effectively help the cat fight the virus.

What should a cat with feline distemper eat?

In terms of diet, it is best to focus on liquid foods and then add some probiotics. When the vomiting is controlled in feline distemper, feed the cat as soon as possible, with small amounts多次. You can choose easy-to-digest foods such as AD cans and intestinal kitchen cans. If the cat is in the recovery stage of the disease, it is recommended to feed prescription cans for a few days, and then gradually switch to cat food.