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Can dogs be dewormed during a cold?

Dogs should not be dewormed during a cold. As with any vaccine or dewormer, the manufacturer will stipulate that it should be used when the dog is healthy. Therefore, the cold should be treated first, and deworming activities should be carried out only after the dog has fully recovered. If a dog is abruptly dewormed or given vaccines during a cold, it may not only trigger parasitic or infectious diseases in some dogs but also significantly affect the dog's recovery from the original cold.

Benefits of deworming

Deworming dogs can prevent parasites and protect against the spread of diseases. It ensures that nutrients are not absorbed, prevents skin diseases, and makes it less likely for dogs to develop skin problems. Proper deworming can significantly lower the risk of vaccine allergies. Dogs should undergo routine deworming every month.

Can sick dogs be dewormed?

If a dog is sick due to parasites, it is recommended that the owner first take the dog to the vet for inspection and deworming after determining the type of parasite. If the dog is suffering from another illness, the owner should treat the dog first and then deworm it to avoid weakening the dog's resistance and affecting its health.

Points to note when deworming internally

Make sure the drug can kill what parasites it targets, such as roundworms, heartworms, and hookworms. Many other types of internal parasites cannot be completely eliminated at once, such as tapeworms, trichomonads, and coccidia, which require separate oral deworming drugs. When feeding deworming drugs, it is recommended to start administering them 3-7 days before and after the dog's vaccination. Do not feed the dog for half an hour after giving the dewormer to ensure the drug's efficacy.