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Can dogs eat mangoes?

It is not recommended to feed mangoes to dogs because they contain cyanide, which can lead to choking and digestive issues if consumed in large quantities. Mangoes are also cold in nature and can easily cause gastrointestinal discomfort in dogs. Additionally, mangoes are a high-allergen fruit, and consumption may cause allergies in dogs. The clinical symptoms of food allergies in dogs may be subtle, and pet owners without relevant experience may not be able to timely notice their dog's abnormalities, which can threaten their life.

Apart from mangoes, other fruits dogs cannot eat include avocados. Avocados contain various vitamins, abundant fat, and protein, as well as high levels of sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. However, dogs cannot consume them, as they can lead to respiratory difficulties, heart congestion, and other issues.

Grapes are one of the oldest and most widely distributed fruits in the world, and they are rich in nutrition. However, dogs should never eat grapes or raisins. Grapes or raisins can cause acute renal failure in dogs. Statistically, after dogs eat grapes, 53% survive, 12% die, and 35% are euthanized. Even those who survive may experience symptoms such as decreased urination and weakened physical condition.

Cherries are also unsafe for dogs to consume. While cherries contain sugar, protein, vitamins, and various elements such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, and potassium, it is best not to feed them to dogs. Eating too many cherries can lead to cyanide poisoning in dogs.

There are fruits that dogs can eat, such as watermelon, strawberries, apples, and oranges. While these fruits are rich in vitamins, care must be taken not to overfeed them. Additionally, attention should be paid to nutrient absorption in dogs' diets. Dogs need to absorb various nutrients every day, so it's essential to buy some nutrient-rich dog food for them to consume.