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Canine Cartilage Disease Symptoms
The main symptom of canine cartilage disease is lameness. The symptoms at the beginning of the disease are not very obvious, and the dog will become less active and develop slowly. As the disease progresses, the dog's lameness will gradually worsen, presenting with persistent lameness and weakened body摇晃 while standing. In addition, symptoms such as stiff joints after rest or worsening lameness after exercise may occur, and eventually lead to inability to walk.
- Causes of Canine Cartilage Disease
Cartilage disease is a bone weakening disease that occurs in puppies during their developmental stage. It is mainly caused by insufficient or imbalanced intake of calcium and phosphorus, lack of vitamin D and sunlight, and hereditary vitamin D metabolism abnormalities. In addition, some cases are caused by increased demand for calcium and vitamin D due to lactation and pregnancy.
- Treatments for Canine Cartilage Disease
If the symptoms of canine cartilage disease are not severe, conservative treatment can be adopted, such as giving the dog joint medication. During treatment, the dog should be allowed to rest appropriately, but also engage in some suitable exercises to promote healing by applying pressure to the affected joint. If the dog shows signs of pain, anti-inflammatory painkillers can be given concurrently.
If the symptoms of canine cartilage disease are severe, surgical treatment should be promptly arranged to remove the diseased cartilage and free cartilage fragments.
- Prevention of Canine Cartilage Disease
The key to preventing dogs from developing cartilage disease is to ensure that they receive adequate vitamin D. You can strengthen the management of the dog's diet and recommend feeding high-quality dog food that provides comprehensive nutrition. You can also add a certain amount of fish liver oil, vitamin D, fish meal, and bone meal to the dog's food daily. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the dog is exposed to sufficient sunlight and engages in moderate exercise daily.