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Canine coronavirus causes foamy vomit
The most common symptoms of canine coronavirus are vomiting and diarrhea, and the course of the virus is usually about seven days. At the beginning of the illness, the dog is listless and has a decreased appetite, followed by vomiting and diarrhea. It is important to take your dog to a pet hospital for symptomatic treatment as soon as it is infected with coronavirus, and to disinfect the area where the dog lives, even the entire house, to avoid infecting other dogs.
Symptoms of Canine Coronavirus
The main clinical symptom of a dog infected with coronavirus is diarrhea, which can be divided into several stages based on the progression of the disease. The first stage is mainly characterized by watery diarrhea. In the second stage, the stool contains blood, which is usually dark brown or bright red. In the third stage, the intestinal mucosa bleeds severely, causing the mucosa to peel off, and white intestinal mucosa may be seen in the stool. Secondary symptoms include severe vomiting, poor mental status, and loss of appetite. As the disease progresses to the middle stage, the dog may also have abdominal pain and hunched back.
Mortality Rate of Puppy Coronavirus
If puppies are treated promptly after being infected with coronavirus, the mortality rate is not high. Most cases of coronavirus infection manifest as varying degrees of vomiting and diarrhea, and a depressed mental state. The main treatment principles are to stop vomiting and diarrhea, correct electrolyte imbalance, regulate acid-base balance, prevent secondary infections, and enhance immune function. With careful care and professional treatment, the mortality rate is quite low.
How to Treat Canine Coronavirus
The main symptoms of canine coronavirus are gastrointestinal problems, mainly vomiting and diarrhea. Long-term vomiting and diarrhea can cause imbalance of acid-base in the dog's body and cause massive nutrition loss. When a dog is infected with coronavirus, the owner can only take the dog to the animal hospital for fluid therapy, administer acidic or alkaline fluids to help correct the acid-base balance, and provide the necessary nutrition and treat vomiting or diarrhea to help the dog fight the virus in its body.