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What medicine to use for cat's black chin
Cat's black chin, also known as folliculitis, requires the use of anti-inflammatory drugs for treatment. During treatment, first moisten a cotton swab with physiological saline, gently wipe the chin area, and clean off any foreign objects on the surface. Then apply drugs containing ingredients such as oxygen氟沙星.同时还需要注意猫咪的日常饮食,减少油脂和盐分的摄入,保持食物的清淡,并且将塑料碗具替换为陶瓷碗。
**Why does a cat have a black chin? **
A cat's black chin may be caused by high food oil content and the use of plastic bowls. Foods with high oil content fed to cats can cause black chin, it is recommended to change the cat's diet structure, and feed the cat easy-to-digest light foods. Using plastic bowls for cats may also cause black chin symptoms, it is recommended to use ceramic bowls for feeding.
**Can a cat's black chin heal itself? **
Usually, a cat's black chin will not heal by itself. Black chin in cats is mainly caused by the inability of the contents of the hair follicle to be discharged normally. The treatment principle of folliculitis includes maintaining local hygiene and actively treating infections.
**What are the hazards of a cat's black chin? **
A cat's black chin affects the cat's appearance, especially in cats with light chin colors, which look particularly noticeable. It can cause the cat to always look dirty. In addition, black chin in cats can lead to abnormalities of the cat's skin follicles, and even skin diseases such as oil tail disease and folliculitis.
Pet owners should clean the cat's chin promptly after eating, keep the cat's chin dry and hygienic, and regularly clean the indoor environment. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen nursing, and try to feed cats less semi-liquid or liquid foods.