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Cat Bleeding Nose
Cat bleeding nose may be caused by trauma, dry weather, nasal tumor, respiratory infection, parasite infection, etc. It is recommended for owners to pay attention to observation. If the cat only bleeds a little nose and does not show other abnormalities, such as poor spirit, loss of appetite, etc., you can use paper towels to help the cat clean up the blood. If the cat bleeds repeatedly, it is necessary to send it to the pet hospital in time for a detailed examination, and then treat it according to the cause.
- Trauma
When a cat's nose is injured by external force, such as being hit by a heavy object, fighting, falling, or falling from a high place, it can cause the capillaries in the nose to rupture and bleed. Therefore, owners can think back to whether the cat has been hit by something heavy, or has fought, fallen, or fallen from a high place, and pay attention to the cat's mental state. If the cat's spirit and appetite are normal and there is no continuous bleeding, you can observe at home. Otherwise, you need to take the cat to the pet hospital for examination and treatment immediately.
- Dry Weather
During the seasonal change, when the air is dry or the cat drinks less water, it can also cause the capillaries in the nose to rupture and bleed, and the cat's nose will also be dry. Therefore, owners can check the cat's nose. If the nose is indeed very dry, the owner needs to induce the cat to drink more water and put some humidifiers in the room to increase the humidity, thus improving the cat's bleeding nose.
- Nasal Tumor
If a tumor occurs in the cat's nose, it will compress the blood vessels, eventually causing vessel rupture and bleeding. This situation is more common in elderly cats and poses a very serious threat to them. Therefore, if an elderly cat has abnormal secretions or nosebleeds, it is highly suspected of being a tumor and needs to go to the pet hospital for a nasal endoscopy as soon as possible.
- Respiratory Tract Infection
If the cat has a runny nose and sneezes at the same time, it is likely to be caused by a respiratory infection and requires timely consultation with a pet doctor for medication treatment.
- Parasite Infection
If the cat often bleeds from the nose, it is possible that it is infected with external parasites such as fleas and ticks. These parasites will reduce the cat's blood coagulation ability. When the blood coagulation ability decreases, it will cause uncontrollable bleeding in the cat. In severe cases, it can even threaten the cat's life. Therefore, if you find that the cat often bleeds from the nose, you should take it seriously and go to the pet hospital for examination and treatment in time.