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Continuous visits to the bathroom but unable to urinate

Cat constantly goes to the bathroom but can't urinate

  • Lack of water intake: If the cat's diet is relatively dry and it doesn't like to drink water, it will have less water in its body, making it difficult to urinate. Moreover, the cat's fur will seem dry and rough, the skin will lose elasticity, and the hair will lose its usual luster. Therefore, owners should encourage their cats to drink more water. If the cat really doesn't like to drink water, you can also prepare some cans or fish soup to supplement the cat's water intake.

  • Heat period: When a cat is in heat, it will also have frequent visits to the bathroom and constant meowing, especially at night. This is a normal situation, and owners don't need to worry too much. Once the heat period is over, the cat's urination will gradually return to normal. Of course, if there is no requirement for breeding, you can also have the cat spayed or neutered before or during the non-breeding season.

  • Urinary tract diseases: If the above problems are ruled out, the cat may have a urinary tract disease, such as cystitis, urethritis, ureteral calculi, or bladder calculi, which can cause difficulty in urination or frequent urination without urine output. If the cat is unable to urinate at all, it is recommended to take it to the pet hospital for catheterization to relieve bladder pressure and treat the underlying disease. If the bladder is greatly swollen, it is best to check if there are any problems with kidney function and electrolyte indicators, as this situation can easily lead to secondary renal failure.

Owners are advised to take their cats to the pet hospital for inspection. If the cause is a disease, owners should timely treat their cats.