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What are the reasons for a cat's random defecation?

Random defecation may be caused by the cat's litter box not being cleaned for a long time. Cats love cleanliness, and if the litter box is not cleaned for a long time, the cat may defecate randomly. The cat may be sick, such as suffering from chronic diarrhea, which causes the cat to lose control of its anal sphincter and defecate everywhere. Another possible cause is digestive problems, so it is recommended that cat owners frequently clean the litter box and pay attention to the cat's daily routine, observing whether the cat's defecation is normal, and how frequent the random defecation occurs. It is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Why do cats randomly urinate?

There are generally three reasons for cats to randomly urinate. First, when cats feel anxious or scared, they may urinate randomly. Second, when cats feel threatened and want to mark their territory, they may urinate like dogs when they smell the scent of other cats. Third, when cats are in heat, they may display random urination behavior. Neutering can stop this behavior.

Cat Stress Reaction

A cat's stress reaction is caused by sudden environmental changes, which can cause the cat to lose appetite, have high blood pressure, and rapid heartbeat. Some cats may even show gastrointestinal symptoms. Immunity-compromised cats may become sick after a stress reaction. Owners need to provide a quiet environment and comfort the cat more. Symptomatic treatment should be given promptly to avoid death.

What to do if a cat defecates randomly?

Owners should immediately scold and stop the cat, and teach it to use the litter box. The cat's feces can be placed in the litter box, and the cat can be taken to smell it and become familiar with the smell. The owner can also hold the cat's two front legs and help it make the gesture to dig in the litter. Over time, the cat will learn to use the litter box. The cat can also be taken to the litter box when it is about to defecate.