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What happens if a cat drinks tap water?

Drinking tap water once or twice won't threaten the cat's health, but tap water does contain some bacteria. If the cat frequently drinks this water, it may develop some diseases. This is especially true for young cats with weaker digestive systems. Drinking raw water can cause stomach discomfort, such as diarrhea and vomiting. Therefore, it's best not to let cats drink tap water directly.

Is drinking tap water harmful?

Usually, there are no significant potential hazards for cats to drink tap water. However, tap water usually contains a relatively high amount of mineral content, and long-term consumption may lead to bladder stones in cats. It is recommended to drink purified water or boiled water if possible. By forming good eating and drinking habits, the incidence of urinary system diseases can be reduced.

Ways to encourage cats to drink water

Most cats prefer to drink flowing water, such as water from the faucet or water dispenser. Adding ice cubes to the water bowl in summer can also attract cats to drink more water. Many cats will catch the ice cubes and lick their paws, which can increase their water intake. Cats also tend to prefer water mixed with catnip, mainly because they like the taste of the catnip. This can encourage them to drink more frequently.

Precautions when feeding cats water

For kittens who have not been weaned, their main food and water source is usually breast milk. For cats who have been weaned, owners can feed them with cool boiled water or purified water, but it is not recommended to let them drink tap water. During the breeding process, owners need to pay attention to the cleanliness of the cat's water and replace it promptly to ensure their health.