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What's going on when a cat uses its head to push against humans?

Cats are scent-based animals, and they mark their territory by rubbing and pressing their heads against people or objects they are familiar with. If a cat frequently pushes its head against humans, this behavior may also be a way for the cat to express its liking and trust towards its owner. The owner can increase the intimacy with the cat by giving it more strokes. Lastly, a cat pushing its head against humans might be seeking help. The owner should check if the cat's food bowl, water dish, and litter box need to be added or cleaned, and assist the cat promptly.

  1. Marking Territory

It is a normal behavior for cats to use their heads to push against humans. If the owner pays close attention, they will find that besides pushing against humans, cats will also rub and push their heads against furniture, corners of tables and other places in their homes. Cats leave their scent behind through this behavior to indicate that this is their territory or where they are familiar with. At the same time, cats use this method to leave their scent, reminding other cats not to intrude on their territory.

  1. Showing Affection and Trust

When a cat pushes its head against a human, it means they deeply appreciate and trust their owner and want to receive strokes and care. The owner can give the cat more attention, which is beneficial for building trust between the cat and the owner.

  1. Seeking Help from the Owner

In addition, a cat pushing its head against humans might be asking the owner to hurry up and refill the food and water, or clean the litter box. The owner can first check the cat's bowl, water dish, and litter box to see if they need to be added or cleaned. It's also possible that the cat's head is itchy, so they are pushing against humans to seek relief. The owner can help the cat scratch its head.