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Frequent urination and small amounts of red-tinged urine in cats

Frequent urination and red-tinged urine in cats mainly indicate conditions such as cystitis, urethritis, and feline urological syndrome. The causes of frequent urination and hematuria include bladder inflammation, urethral inflammation, and feline urological syndrome. The clinical manifestations of different diseases vary, but there are also some similarities. It is recommended to go to the pet hospital for further examination and treatment as the disease becomes severe.

Conditions such as cystitis, urethritis, and feline urological syndrome can cause cats to have frequent urination, small amounts of urine, and red urine (hematuria).

Cystitis refers to the inflammation of the bladder mucosa, and its clinical features are frequent urination.大量的膀胱上皮细胞、脓细胞和白细胞可以在尿液中观察到. The characteristic symptom of cystitis is painful polyuria. Cats will show frequent visits to the litter box, but each time they only assume a urination posture, with only a small amount or drop-by-drop urine output. Meanwhile, cats will also show signs of pain and restlessness during urination. The urine appears turbid, with an ammonia smell, and may even contain mucus and blood.

Urethritis is the inflammation of the urethral mucosa, and its clinical features are intermittent urine discharge and pain. Additionally, the urine is turbid, containing mucus, blood, and pus. During palpation and catheterization, cats will show pain reactions such as resistance.

Feline urological syndrome refers to a syndrome caused by bladder and urethral stones, crystals, and plugs stimulating the bladder and urethral mucosa, causing urethral obstruction. The main cause of this disease is overfeeding of dry food with high magnesium content. The clinical manifestations are mainly related to the location, size, and degree of obstruction of the urethral stones. If the obstruction is incomplete, the clinical manifestations are frequent urination and hematuria. The sick cats often show depression, constant walking, and licking their genitals.