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Cat limps but can walk

A cat that limps but can walk may have symptoms caused by factors such as radial ulnar maldevelopment, falls, muscle strains, or fractures. If it is due to radial ulnar maldevelopment, it will affect the normal growth of the bones, resulting in abnormal walking. This is a normal phenomenon and there is usually no need to worry too much. If the cat has other uncomfortable symptoms, such as skin redness, pain, and limited mobility, it indicates that the body has another disease. It is recommended to visit a regular pet hospital for diagnosis and further treatment.

  1. Radial ulnar maldevelopment

This is mainly caused by chromosomal abnormalities, which affect the development of the radial and ulnar bones, causing bone deformity and affecting normal walking. However, there is usually no pain, just a limping phenomenon. To adjust the diet, feed the cat more high-nutrition food such as cat cans and bones, and reduce the amount of exercise. Usually, there is no need for drug treatment.

  1. Falls

If a cat falls while walking or running, it can cause local bone damage, leading to swelling and pain in the bones and difficulty walking. The cat may also limp during walking. It is recommended to follow the doctor's advice and take drugs to promote blood circulation and relieve pain.

  1. Muscle strain

If the muscle is strained, it can cause limited mobility and the cat may walk crookedly. It is recommended for the owner to apply cold and heat compressions to the cat, and follow the doctor's advice to take drugs to promote blood circulation.

  1. Fracture

This may be caused by long-term intense exercise, resulting in bone damage, bone deformity, and abnormal movement, affecting normal walking. It is necessary to improve it under the guidance of a doctor through manual reduction, bone traction, surgery, etc.