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Do male and female cats need to be neutered?

Male and female cats usually need to undergo neutering surgery. It is recommended to take male and female cats to regular pet hospitals for neutering surgery, which is beneficial to their physical health. Neutering surgery is a surgical procedure that prevents pets from reproducing by using techniques such as ovary removal or testicle removal. It can effectively reduce unnecessary sexual behavior in pets, avoid infections of genital diseases, and is beneficial to their physical health.

  1. Benefits of neutering male cats

Neutering male cats can effectively prevent the occurrence of testicular tumors, prostate enlargement, and other diseases. After neutering, male cats usually do not show sexual behavior, which can effectively avoid infections of feline AIDS. The level of testosterone in male cats decreases after neutering, and their temperament becomes gentler and less aggressive.

  1. Benefits of neutering female cats

Female cats have estrus periods in spring and autumn each year, usually exhibiting behaviors such as whining, sniffing, and rubbing to attract male cats, which may cause disturbances and affect residents' lives. After neutering, female cats can avoid unnecessary troubles and noise pollution, as well as reduce the occurrence of various uterine diseases such as uterine inflammation and pyometra. Due to the decrease in estrogen secretion, neutering can also reduce the incidence of mammary tumors, which is beneficial to their physical health.

  1. Precautions after neutering male and female cats

  2. Understand the recovery situation

After neutering surgery, male and female cats usually need to rest for a period of time. During this time, owners should spend more time with them and observe the physical recovery situation promptly. Pay attention to whether the wound is infected, inflamed, or bleeding, and deal with it in time.

  1. Ensure good living habits

After neutering surgery, the body is usually weak and should pay more attention to rest. Owners should provide a warm and comfortable living environment for male and female cats, which is conducive to their physical recovery.

  1. Pay attention to balanced diet

Usually, pay attention to a balanced diet, do not overeat, and can eat moderately some congee, yam congee, fruit puree, etc., which can supplement the necessary nutrients for the body and help with recovery.

If male or female cats show signs of discomfort, they should be taken to a regular pet hospital in time to avoid delaying the diagnosis and treatment, leading to worsening symptoms.