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Should cats be spayed or neutered?

It is generally believed that the advantages of spaying or neutering cats far outweigh the disadvantages, so it is recommended to spay or neuter cats. Spaying or neutering cats refers to the artificial removal of their reproductive organs through surgery, such as testicles, uterus, and ovaries. This type of surgery poses a small risk to cats, and the recovery process is relatively fast. It can effectively prevent cats from suffering related reproductive system diseases.

Although cats will experience physical pain during the spaying or neutering process, the surgery can effectively avoid related reproductive system diseases, so it is recommended to spay or neuter cats in most cases.

Spaying or neutering surgery refers to the removal of a cat's reproductive organs through surgery, such as testicles, uterus, ovaries, etc. By removing the cat's reproductive organs, the likelihood of accidental pregnancy, jumping off buildings, and getting lost due to heat can be effectively reduced. It can also lower the possibility of endocrine disorders in cats, further reducing the risk of mammary diseases in female cats and prostate diseases in male cats. However, after the spaying or neutering surgery is completed, there will be a significant change in the hormones in the body, and cats are more likely to gain weight at this time. It is recommended to feed cats hormonal regulation supplements or related drugs.

It should be noted that spaying or neutering surgery should not be performed on cats during their heat. Because the blood supply to a cat's reproductive organs is relatively abundant during the heat, performing surgery at this time can easily cause heavy bleeding. Since female cats require abdominal surgery, postoperative anti-infective treatment is also very important. Generally, it is recommended to perform anti-infective treatment through intravenous administration for 3 to 5 days after surgery. Cat owners should also pay attention to wound care, cleaning the wound with disinfectant daily and applying antibacterial and anti-inflammatory external sprays. During the wound healing process, cats should wear an Elizabethan collar to prevent them from licking the wound.