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When do cats usually enter their puberty and what is the optimal time for them to mate?
Many cat owners might not be familiar with cat puberty, and sometimes when you mention about cats having periods and going into heat, people might be surprised. Today, let's learn about some facts about cat puberty!
- At what age do cats usually enter puberty?
male cats usually reach puberty at around 8 months old, while female cats usually reach puberty between 6 and 8 months old.
- What is the best time for cats to have babies?
Male cats usually mature at around 1.5 years old, and cats younger than 1 year old may experience difficulties in giving birth due to incomplete pelvic development.
- Which male and female cats are suitable for breeding?
The size and weight difference between male and female cats should be minimal. If the male cat is too large and the female cat is too small (for example, the male cat's weight is more than twice that of the female cat), the fetus may be too large to cause difficulties in delivery. The female cat must maintain good physical health before mating, with a minimum weight of 6 pounds. Male cats that are too small or unhealthy are not suitable for breeding. Cats with genetic defects, including dental problems, should not be used for breeding. Female cats with weak health forced to breed may face life-threatening conditions or other diseases.
- Do cats feel pleasure during mating?
No, they don't. Cat heat is a very painful process that causes loss of appetite and weight loss. Male cats may also experience blockage of the urethra due to repeated spasms, resulting in inflammation of the urethra.
- How long does cat heat usually last? What are the signs of heat?
Male cats usually go into heat every week, lasting seven to ten days each time. When a cat is in heat, it will first roll around or twist its body, emit low growls, or leave urine around the house corners to attract female cats. When a male cat wants to urinate during heat, its tail will stand up, wag quickly, and urinate on the wall. Female cats usually go into heat every two weeks, lasting about a week each time. Some female cats urinate everywhere during heat. Signs of heat include rolling around and screaming. By tapping the female cat's tail, it will instinctively lean its backside up.