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Cat refuses to eat and has soft stools

A cat that refuses to eat and has soft stools may be suffering from an intestinal disease. It is recommended to seek medical attention promptly, undergo a detailed examination of the intestines to identify the cause, and receive targeted treatment. Additionally, do not replace cat food too frequently. It is suggested to gradually replace the cat food, which usually takes a week. During this period, you can also feed the cat probiotics to prevent stress reactions.

Cat has soft stools but is otherwise energetic

Soft stools in a cat may be caused by overeating and indigestion. Be sure to control the cat's food intake, and also pay attention to whether it has eaten something that causes stomach discomfort. Adjusting the diet can help. Soft stools can also occur when a cat changes environments or switches foods. In this case, feeding probiotics can help regulate the cat's gut. Parasites may also be the cause, so it is recommended to focus on deworming.

Difference between cat diarrhea and soft stools

Usually, when referring to a cat's soft stools, it means the feces are not formed, soft and mushy, and lies somewhere between normal feces and diarrhea. Diarrhea in cats has a thick, sticky texture and resembles peanut butter. When a cat has severe diarrhea, it may resemble water. This may be due to the cat eating unclean food, and it is necessary to seek medical attention promptly.

What to do if a cat refuses to eat and has soft stools

Soft stools can be caused by a problem with the cat's food. It is recommended to replace it. If the cat has parasites inside it, which makes its stomach vulnerable and leads to soft stools, it is advisable to feed the cat easily digestible liquid food. Use deworming medication to treat the parasites and concurrently administer喵想Probiotics to regulate the gut bacteria until the cat fully recovers.