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Soft Stool in Cats

Check if there is a problem with the food you give to your cat, and if so, replace it. If your cat has soft stool due to poor digestion, stop giving it dry cat food and switch to some easily digestible liquid foods, such as rice congee. During this period, administer Miao Xiang Probiotics to regulate the intestinal flora, with a dosage of 5 grams per time. Remember to be patient, as it takes time to adjust the intestinal flora. Do not expect immediate results from the medication. Continue treatment until your cat fully recovers. Do not use human or cat-dog probiotics.

Soft Cat Stool

There are several possible causes for soft stool in cats:

  1. Sudden change in diet: Cats may not adapt to new cat food, causing gastrointestinal discomfort. You can feed probiotics, digestive enzymes, and other remedies to regulate gut bacteria.
  2. Consuming spoiled or moldy food: This can lead to minor gastroenteritis.
  3. Parasite infection: Parasites can damage gut function and cause inflammation.
  4. Eating a large amount of difficult-to-digest food: This may also cause soft stool or diarrhea.

Difference between Soft Stool and Diarrhea in Cats

Usually, soft stool in cats refers to stool that is not formed, soft and mushy, and lies somewhere between normal stool and diarrhea. Diarrhea in cats has a thick, syrup-like consistency and resembles sweet bean sauce in shape and color. When a cat has severe diarrhea, it may resemble water. This may be due to consuming unclean substances, and immediate medical attention is necessary.

How to Deal with Soft Stool in Cats

If your cat's stool is soft due to poor digestion, it is recommended to administer some probiotics to regulate its gut function. If probiotics are ineffective, you can consider treating it with oral gentamicin. If all other treatments fail, it is possible that the cat's small intestinal villi are damaged. In this case, the only solution is to supplement nutrients to promote villus growth and help restore normal intestinal function.