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How long does it take for the pain of spaying a female cat to subside?

Usually, the pain of spaying a female cat with a good physical condition will decrease within 24 hours. The pain after spaying varies slightly depending on the cat's physical condition. Cats with weaker constitutions may experience longer lasting pain, but it will not exceed three days. Because spaying involves opening the abdominal cavity, the healing time is longer. The wound usually needs to be stitched up after 7-10 days, and it takes about 15-30 days for the subcutaneous scar tissue to recover. Therefore, it is important to strengthen the care after the surgical procedure to avoid infection and inflammation of the wound.

Firstly, female cats usually start to go into heat around 6 months old. If there is no need for breeding, it is recommended to have the cat spayed before the heat cycle. This is because spaying involves opening the abdominal cavity, and heat cycles can cause blood vessels to dilate and increase the surgical difficulty. It is necessary to schedule the spaying procedure during a non-estrus period, and the pain should subside about 3 days after the operation.

Secondly, spaying a female cat usually has more advantages than disadvantages. The procedure can help reduce reproductive system diseases in cats, such as uterine pyelonephritis, uterine inflammation, and ovarian cysts. It can also prevent behaviors such as howling, running away, and jumping out of windows during estrus, helping to extend the cat's lifespan and making her personality more docile.

Lastly, the pain of a female cat after spaying usually subsides gradually after 3 days. During this time, it is important to strengthen post-operative care. It is recommended to have the cat hospitalized for 3 days after the surgery to receive antibiotics via intravenous drip. The wound should be dressed regularly after the operation to prevent inflammation, and an Elizabethan collar should be worn to prevent the cat from licking the wound. The cat's activity should also be restricted after the surgery to prevent the wound from tearing, and the stitches can be removed about 7-10 days after the operation.