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Spaying and Neutering Cats

Spaying and Neutering are Not Compulsory

Spaying and neutering are not necessary if you want your cat to have kittens. From a cat's perspective, whether it's a male or a female, not undergoing the procedure can be painful during their breeding season. Male cats become aggressive and emotionally unstable, and long-term exposure to these hormones can also cause negative reactions in their bodies. Female cats may develop uterine infections, mammary inflammation, and other diseases.

Best Time for Cat Spaying and Neutering

The timing for spaying and neutering varies for male and female cats. Female cats can be spayed around 6 months old, when their uterus and ovaries have fully developed and they are not in heat. It is ideal to perform the procedure during the pre-heat period, as it can effectively prevent diseases such as mammary tumors. Male cats can be neutered after 6 months, as their urethra is longer and narrower than female cats. It is appropriate to postpone their neutering age to allow their urethra to develop further. If the urethra is too narrow, it can easily cause urethral blockage and bladder inflammation.

Best Time for Neutering Male Cats

Male cats can be neutered when they are 6-7 months old. Many foreign veterinarians recommend neutering kittens at 2 months old, but many domestic kittens are weaker at this age, so most veterinarians in China recommend waiting until the cat is 6 months old. At this time, the cat's health is generally stable, and the risk of surgery is relatively low.

Best Time for Spaying Female Cats

Female cats in China can usually be spayed after 8 months, but some foreign countries suggest that it can be done as early as 5-6 months. In fact, female cats can be spayed after their first heat, and male cats are best neutered after they are 1 year old. The spaying procedure involves removing the female cat's ovaries and uterus, or the male cat's testicles, through surgical means, rendering them unable to reproduce.