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Clinical manifestations of dead fetus retention in cats

Dead fetus retention in cats usually causes postpartum infections, endometritis, and other diseases. Clinical manifestations include fever, depression, and dehydration. At the same time, pus or bloody pus-like fluids are discharged from the vulva. This disease usually has an acute course, causing significant harm to the cat's body. Untimely or improper treatment often leads to death.

The pregnancy period of cats is 52 to 71 days. If the pregnancy is already overdue for a long time but the fetus has not been delivered, consider dead fetus retention or pseudopregnancy in cats. Dead fetus retention in cats causes intrauterine infection, which is relatively severe and poses a great threat to cats. If not treated promptly, it can often lead to death. Clinical symptoms of dead fetus retention in cats include fever, dehydration, and pus or bloody pus-like fluids discharged from the vulva. Palpation of the abdominal wall reveals a soft, dough-like enlargement of the uterus. If the vulva discharges fetid, black secretions mixed with a large amount of mucus, it indicates toxic symptoms, often accompanied by seizures, severe depression, and licking the external genitalia.

The clinical diagnosis of dead fetus retention in cats requires the combination of medical history and X-ray examination to determine whether the fetus is retained in the uterus. Simultaneously, bacterial culture can be performed on external genital secretions, and increased white blood cell counts and left-shifted leukocyte nuclei can be observed in blood routine examinations and blood smear tests.

The treatment of dead fetus retention in cats focuses on evacuating the contents of the uterus. Oxytocin or prostaglandins can be used in conjunction with this, but the use of uterine contractile drugs is not recommended when the uterus is极度 expanded. If the effect is not significant, dead fetus removal via surgery is necessary. If the cat no longer needs to be bred, the uterus, ovaries, and other organs can be removed simultaneously. Furthermore, broad-spectrum antibiotics, fluid replacement, correction of electrolyte imbalance and acidosis, liver and kidney protection, etc., should be administered via intravenous infusion.