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Do Pomeranians get cold in the winter?

Yes, Pomeranians can get cold in the winter. Dogs have various fur structures, and Pomeranians and Poodles basically have the same fur structure. They both have only one layer of fur, unlike sled dogs like Huskies or Alaskans, which have a downy fur structure. Because their fur is only one layer thick, its insulation ability is not very strong. Although the fur appears dense, it does not provide good warmth. Therefore, when it gets cold, it is necessary to provide Pomeranians with a suitable environment or dress them up.

Do dogs get cold in the winter?

Yes, they do. Some dogs come from cold regions, while others come from subtropical regions, so their ability to withstand cold varies. Although dogs have thick fur, they still need保暖 measures to ensure a healthy winter. This is especially true for smaller dogs. In addition to keeping dogs warm, you can also feed them high-calorie foods such as lean meat, beef, and egg yolks.

symptoms of Pomeranians being afraid of cold

When Pomeranians are afraid of cold, they may show symptoms such as shivering limbs, curling up in corners or dog beds, moving closer to warm places, and being unwilling to move.尤其在冬季,当主人带狗狗外出时,最好给狗狗穿一件衣服,以防止感冒。

What to do if Pomeranians get cold in the winter

Since Pomeranians get cold in the winter, although they have thick fur, they still need保暖 measures. Here are some suggestions: First, replace the dog bed padding with a cotton pad and place the bed in a warm and ventilated area, avoiding windy spots. Second, do not shave your dog in the winter. If for some reason you must shave your dog, make sure to dress them and brush their fur frequently. Third, try to take your dog for walks on warmer days. Fourth, bathe your dog quickly and ensure the ambient temperature is suitable. After the bath, dry your dog off as soon as possible.