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Can dog bladder and urethral stones recur?

Dog bladder and urethral stones can recur. The main cause of bladder stone formation is related to a dog's diet. If the dog doesn't drink enough water and has a high salt intake, it is prone to urinary tract infections. Some inflammatory substances or bacteria in the urine accumulate and crystlize, leading to recurrent bladder stones. Metabolic disorders of endogenous minerals, changes in urine pH值, and other reactions may also cause recurrence of bladder stones in dogs.

Symptoms of Bladder Stones

When a dog has bladder stones, the affected dog will have difficulty urinating, hematuria, and frequent visits to the toilet, but each time the output is small. When touching the dog's bladder, the bladder's sensitivity increases. When the stones are at the bladder neck, difficulty urinating and pain during urination occur. Larger stones can be felt on the outside.

Treatment of Bladder and Urethral Stones

The treatment of bladder stones involves considering surgical intervention to open the bladder and remove the stones. Urethral stone treatment can implement urethral retrograde irrigation. Insert a urinary catheter into the dog's urethra, then compress the urethra at the pelvic margin while injecting a mixture of physiological saline and liquid paraffin equal volumes into the urethra. When the urethral pressure increases, quickly withdraw the catheter and repeat the process several times. If retrograde irrigation is not successful, perform an urethral resection as soon as possible to remove the urethral stones in dogs.

What to Drink to Dissolve Stones

Dog stones mainly occur due to a high calcium-phosphorus ratio in daily diet, less water consumption, reproductive organ and urinary tract infections. If there are many large stones in the body, surgical treatment is recommended, but recurrence may occur later. If for prevention or small amounts of stones, oral administration of specialized pet urinary tract stone drugs such as尿痛舒、尿肾舒、乐乐宝 is acceptable. Reduce the feeding of animal liver and kidney, and feed specialized urinary tract or kidney prescription diets to improve control.