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Can dog distemper be transmitted to dogs?
Yes, dog distemper can be transmitted to dogs. Dog distemper is a highly contagious disease caused by infection with the canine distemper virus. The mortality rate of infected puppies can reach 80% to 90%. Dogs infected with distemper and dogs carrying the canine distemper virus are the main sources of transmission. The disease is primarily transmitted through the respiratory tract, digestive tract, and urine. Healthy dogs can become infected through direct contact with sick dogs or by inhaling or ingesting contaminated air or food.
Dog distemper is highly contagious and the incubation period can vary greatly depending on the transmission route. Typical symptoms of distemper in dogs include increased body temperature, vomiting, diarrhea, lacrimation, red conjunctiva, and increased mucous secretions. Later in the disease, neurological symptoms such as muscle spasms, paralysis, epilepsy, circling, and unstable gait appear, usually with a poor prognosis.
Dog distemper is usually transmitted to the outside world through respiratory tract, digestive tract, and urine. Healthy dogs can become infected through direct contact with sick dogs or indirect contact via contaminated air or food. The canine distemper virus can also infect through the conjunctiva, oral mucosa, and nasal mucosa. Puppies aged 3 to 12 months are most susceptible to infection and need to be discovered and treated in time.
When a dog is diagnosed with canine distemper virus infection, it is essential to isolate and disinfect promptly. Areas where dogs have been active should be thoroughly disinfected with 2% to 5% warm sodium hydroxide solution, bleach, or lysol. Vaccination is the fundamental measure to prevent infection with the canine distemper virus. Therefore, it is crucial to take your dog to the pet hospital at 45 days old to receive the vaccine, and during the vaccination period, avoid taking your dog outdoors or giving it baths to prevent stress from reducing your dog's resistance and making it more susceptible to infection.