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Symptoms of mild dog encephalitis
The prominent symptom of mild dog encephalitis is consciousness disorder. The affected dogs may exhibit excitement and restlessness, or extreme depression, to the point of not recognizing their owners. Some continuously bark without purpose, run aimlessly, and collide with obstacles. Some dogs show reversal circles, partial or generalized convulsive seizures. The depressed animals have their heads hanging down, half-closed eyes, motionless obstacles on their heads, slow response to the outside world, poor posture, and weak muscles throughout their bodies. Some affected dogs fall asleep on the ground.
Causes of encephalitis
Dog encephalitis is usually caused by infectious and non-infectious factors. Infectious factors include viral infections, where the virus travels along nerve fibers and enters the central nervous system through blood circulation, causing non-suppurative encephalitis. Bacterial infections, where bacteria are transferred through the bloodstream, causing secondary suppurative meningitis.Protozoan and fungal infections are also included. Non-infectious factors include poisoning, granulomatous meningoencephalitis, immune diseases, trauma, tumors, and more.
How to check for encephalitis
Brain spinal fluid examination is helpful for diagnosing encephalitis. In bacterial meningitis, the protein content and white blood cell count in the spinal fluid significantly increase. In granulomatous meningitis, the protein and white blood cell count in the spinal fluid increase, and a large number of monocytes can be seen. In suppurative meningitis, in addition to the increase in neutrophils in the spinal fluid, the pathogenic microorganisms can also be seen. Serological examination of brain spinal fluid helps to identify specific pathogens, and CT can better determine brain organic lesions.
Emergency treatment for encephalitis
If a dog shows symptoms such as foaming at the mouth, circling, colliding with obstacles, and convulsions in its limbs, first, calm the dog down, collect any sharp objects around it, prevent it from running around, and splash its head with cold water. This may help the dog become calmer. As soon as the dog is stable, take it to a pet hospital for treatment. The cure rate for this disease is low, so it is necessary to seek medical attention promptly.