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Farting, smelly diarrhea in dogs

Farting and smelly diarrhea in dogs can be caused by various factors. Here are some reasons and corresponding solutions:

  1. Food intolerance: If your dog has eaten a certain type of food that its gut bacteria cannot digest well, you can switch to easily digestible and nutritious food based on your pet's situation.
  2. Poor digestion: If your dog has a poor digestive system, no matter what it eats, it will lead to smelly gas and diarrhea. You can feed your dog probiotics or foods that regulate gut function to improve the situation.

Causes of smelly gas in dogs

It is normal for dogs to fart, but if they do so frequently and the gas is extremely smelly, it could indicate a health problem. If your dog has eaten beans, potatoes, noodles, or other foods that produce a lot of gas after digestion, it can cause farting. Proteins in meat accumulate in your dog's intestines over time and break down into smelly amine gases, which are a major cause of bad dog farts. Another possibility is a digestive system problem. Sometimes, when dogs eat too much or variety of food, it can affect their stomach and cause indigestion, leading to more farting and bad smell.

What to do if your dog has smelly diarrhea

If your young dog is experiencing diarrhea, consider whether it has an infectious disease, such as parvovirus or coronavirus. If infected, anti-viral treatment and antibiotics are necessary. If the diarrhea has a fishy smell, it could be due to ingestion of bones, which can easily scratch the intestines and cause bleeding. It is also possible that your dog has pancreatitis, which requires fluid therapy.

Foods to avoid for dogs with farting and diarrhea

Do not give your dog milk when it has diarrhea, as it contains lactose, which many dogs are intolerant of and can exacerbate the diarrhea. Avoid feeding your dog cold or raw foods; instead, offer canned dog food or easily digestible rice congee. If your dog's diarrhea is severe, consult a veterinarian, as it could be acute enteritis, which can cause severe dehydration and require fluid therapy.