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What drugs to use for dog gum inflammation

Dog gum inflammation requires timely use of antibacterial drugs and proper oral care.

After the dog eats, you can use cleaning oral sprays to wash the mouth and maintain oral hygiene. It is recommended to use drugs containing ingredients such as metronidazole to control infection after the dog's gum inflammation, and use oral sprays containing ingredients such as lysozyme. In addition, do not feed dogs with food that is likely to remain in the spaces between teeth.

What are the symptoms of dog gum inflammation?

The main symptoms of dog gum inflammation include bad breath, drooling, swollen and red gum, difficulty chewing due to pain, increased oral mucus, membranes congestion, and tooth loss. In addition, dogs may lose their appetite later in the course of gum inflammation. The causes of dog gum inflammation include oral ulcers, excessive food debris, and bacterial infections.

How should dog oral care be performed?

Dog oral care can be done regularly with pet-specific toothbrushes and toothpastes. The first time a dog is brushed, you can try using a cotton swab or other soft materials to apply a suitable amount of pet toothpaste and gently massage the dog's gums and tooth surfaces. Once the dog becomes more accustomed, you can proceed to use a pet toothbrush for brushing.

Secondly, you can also use dog-specific mouthwash mixed with some pure water to feed the dog to achieve the purpose of cleaning the mouth. Be cautious not to use it too frequently, usually once every 3-4 days.


  1. Regularly clean the dog's mouth during daily life. Prolonged absence of mouth cleaning can lead to the proliferation of bacteria and induce gum inflammation.
  2. Feed the dog with normal dog food daily. Do not feed the dog with human food or soft food. Regularly take the dog to the pet hospital for oral examinations and prevent oral diseases.