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Dog Inflammation Fever and Vomiting Yellowish Water
There are many causes of dog inflammation fever and vomiting yellowish water, such as pancreatitis, nephritis, canine distemper, parvovirus, hyperacidity, and gastric ulcers. If your dog has not been vaccinated, it is recommended to check for infectious diseases such as canine distemper, parvovirus, and coronavirus. Further examinations should be conducted, and treatment should be carried out after diagnosis.
Causes of Vomiting Yellowish Water
It may be caused by infection with canine parvovirus or canine coronavirus; it may also be caused by swallowing foreign objects, such as hair or stones; vomiting may occur due to parasite or bacterial infection that stimulates the dog's stomach; or it may be caused by stomach coldness. It is recommended that owners take their dogs to a pet hospital promptly for inspection and treatment.
Treatment for Vomiting Yellowish Water
Vomiting yellowish water may be caused by long-term hunger, gastrointestinal diseases, liver diseases, or pancreatic diseases. It is recommended that the owner first take the dog to the hospital for inspection, which mainly includes routine blood examination, fecal examination, infectious disease examination, biochemical examination, etc. By analyzing the inspection results, the cause of the dog's illness can be determined, and then appropriate treatment can be given.
Feeding Precautions After Vomiting Yellowish Water
The yellowish water vomited by the dog is stomach juice. When there is no food in the stomach, the dog will vomit stomach juice. Because of vomiting, the dog can only replenish fluids and correct the electrolyte balance through intravenous infusion. During this period, early fasting and water abstinence are recommended to avoid stimulating the gastrointestinal tract and causing further vomiting. Later, the dog can try to drink a little water, gradually add semi-liquid food, and slowly transition to a normal diet.