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Do dog inflammations cause lymph node swelling?

Yes, dog inflammations can cause lymph node swelling. Lymph nodes are part of a dog's immune system. Whenever there is an infection, the immune system attacks the pathogen, and the lymph nodes may swell. This is a hint that the infection is severe. Additionally, there are some diseases that are similar to cold symptoms, such as canine parainfluenza virus, and it is recommended to bring the dog to a pet hospital for related checks.

Symptoms of lymph node swelling

Usually, dog lymph node swelling occurs in the salivary glands, lymph nodes near the salivary glands, and the mandibular lymph nodes. The dog's face appears to be significantly larger. Generally, dogs with this condition have a raised body temperature, and routine blood tests show an increase in white blood cells. The swelling of the superficial lymph nodes can be easily detected through visual and palpable examinations.

Treatment of lymph node swelling

Lymph node swelling in dogs is just a symptom and needs to be treated after determining the cause. Inflammation-induced lymph node swelling requires treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs; lymph node swelling caused by tumors requires surgical or conservative treatment based on the type of tumor. Generally, dog lymph node swelling cannot be cured, so timely treatment is necessary to avoid exacerbation of the condition.

Common anti-inflammatory drugs for inflammation

Some commonly used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for dogs include meloxicam, vetoryl, aspirin, indomethacin, acetaminophen, diclofenac, naproxen, celecoxib, rofecoxib, and nimesulide. These drugs not only have anti-inflammatory effects but also relieve pain and reduce fever. They are often used for joint inflammation and post-fracture surgery pain relief.