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Dog poisoning home emergency treatment

The method of home emergency treatment for dog poisoning is to induce vomiting. Concentrations of 1% to 2% copper sulfate solution are generally used for oral administration, and strong salt water or light soap water can also be used to induce vomiting. Do not induce vomiting if your dog shows signs of coma or convulsions. If vomiting fails, the most effective method is to thoroughly wash the dog's stomach within 2-4 hours after poisoning. Even if vomiting is successful, some drugs may still remain in the stomach, so gastric washing is still needed.

Dog poisoning symptoms

There are various symptoms of dog poisoning. Chocolate poisoning can cause severe drooling, frequent urination, dilated pupils, rapid heartbeat, vomiting and diarrhea, extreme excitement, muscle tremors, and eventually coma. Onion poisoning may cause some weight loss, laziness, frequent panting, depression, rapid pulse, extreme weakness, and mouth secretions or foam.

How long does dog poisoning take to occur?

The onset time of poisoning varies depending on the toxin. Acute poisoning usually occurs after consumption of the toxin, while chronic poisoning may occur within a few hours or even a day after consumption. General symptoms of poisoning include diarrhea and vomiting. Some animals may even have bloody stools, cyanosis of the mucous membranes, incontinence of bowel and bladder, and even neurological symptoms. Therefore, if your dog accidentally eats a toxin, you must seek medical attention immediately.

What to give a dog poisoned?

There are various cases of dog poisoning. For food poisoning, a suitable amount of hydrogen peroxide can be used to induce vomiting. If the dog shows signs of coma or convulsions, do not induce vomiting and go to the hospital instead. For drug poisoning, some drugs may remain in the stomach after 4 hours, and some drugs are very difficult to eliminate. Therefore, thorough gastric washing within 2-4 hours after poisoning is the most effective. Most toxins can cause difficulty breathing in dogs, and severe cases can lead to suffocation and death. Oxygen therapy can help alleviate the condition.