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What to feed a dog during pregnancy for nutrition

Dog pregnancy nutrition:

A dog during pregnancy can eat foods such as chicken breast, nutritional supplements, egg yolk, and beef to increase their intake of nutrients like protein, vitamins, and minerals, which promote fetal development. However, attention should be paid to the feeding amount. Over-supplementing nutrition is strictly prohibited, especially for small dogs. This prevents the fetus from growing too large, leading to difficult labor. Also, excessive calcium supplementation during pregnancy should be avoided to prevent postpartum hypocalcemia. When feeding a dog, it's best to follow a meal plan of multiple small meals to ensure adequate nutrition intake.

  1. What to feed a dog during the early stages of pregnancy

During the first month of a dog's pregnancy, there is no need to feed them overly rich nutrition. Feeding them normally is sufficient. Since the fetus is not fully developed during this period, giving the dog too much nutrition can lead to the dog becoming overweight, which may result in difficult labor.

  1. What to feed a dog during the middle stages of pregnancy

After one month of pregnancy, the fetus begins to grow and develop, increasing its demand for nutrients. You can increase the dog's intake of protein-rich, easily digestible foods, as well as those containing minerals and vitamins, such as chicken breast, fish, egg yolk, dairy products, carrots, vegetables, and corn. Note that the dog should eat several small meals daily, and attention should be paid to balanced nutrition. Avoid feeding spicy foods to prevent diarrhea.

  1. Precautions

A dog's pregnancy usually lasts about sixty days. During this period, the dog may show decreased appetite and lack of desire to move. In the later stages of pregnancy, the dog's abdomen gradually enlarges. If the dog's amniotic fluid breaks and the fetus does not deliver within two hours, it is recommended to check if a cesarean section is necessary.