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What should I do if my dog has red bumps around its mouth?

Red bumps around a dog's mouth may be caused by factors such as heat, mosquito bites, allergies, or skin diseases.

  1. Heat

If a dog drinks less water and eats a excessive amount of meat, it can develop heat and red bumps around the mouth. In this case, it is recommended to increase the dog's water intake and reduce the amount of meat in its diet. You can also feed the dog vegetables and fruits that have a cooling effect.

  1. Mosquito bites

In summer, there are many mosquitoes outside. If your dog is not properly protected, it is prone to mosquito bites, which can cause red bumps around the mouth and itching at the bite site. The dog may constantly scratch the area, making it even redder. Therefore, it is essential to stop your dog from scratching and use anti-inflammatory drugs. Also, remember to regularly deworm your dog.

  1. Allergies

If a dog comes into contact with an allergen or eats too much food that easily causes allergies, it can lead to frequent scratching and red bumps around the mouth. In this situation, it is best to take the dog to the vet for an allergy injection and identify the allergen. Avoid exposing the dog to the allergen in the future, and its skin should improve over time.

  1. Skin diseases

If your dog has red bumps around its mouth and surrounding hair loss, and it constantly scratches that area, it may be suffering from a skin disease. It is advisable to take your dog to the vet as soon as possible to determine the cause of the disease and treat it accordingly. For example, skin diseases caused by mites or fleas require worming first, followed by medication, otherwise, they may recur.