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Symptoms of Dog Tear Duct Blockage
The main symptom of dog nasolacrimal duct blockage is heavy tear staining and long-term moisture of the lower eyelid. If it is confirmed that the tear overflow is caused by nasolacrimal duct blockage, the effect of draining the tear glands is significant. However, it should be noted that not all tear stains are caused by nasolacrimal duct blockage, but also by other reasons such as conjunctivitis, congenital malformation of the nasolacrimal duct, long eyelashes near the inner corner of the eye, dog food, or internal diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to go to the hospital for examination to determine the cause of the disease before treatment.
Symptoms of Dog Tear Gland Blockage
If a dog's tear glands are blocked, it may cause an increase in eye secretions, moisture of the eyelashes near the inner corner of the eye, leading to eye skin inflammation, rashes, and skin diseases. If a dog has increased eye secretions, it is recommended to take it to a pet hospital in time for examination to confirm whether there are other causes such as double eyelashes, ectopic eyelashes, etc. in the dog's physiological structure of the eyes.
Reasons for Dog Tear Glands
The lacrimal gland is an accessory organ of the eye, mainly secreting tears to moisten the eyeball. In normal circumstances, the secreted tears from the lacrimal gland flow into the nasal cavity through the lacrimal duct, without flowing from the eye. There are several reasons for excessive tear production: eye infection, stimulation of the eye membrane, blocked lacrimal duct, narrow lacrimal duct, and high salt content in food. Treatment can include antibiotic and corticosteroid eye drops. If it is a blockage or narrowing problem, it is recommended to go to a regular pet hospital for treatment.
What to Do If a Dog's Tear Glands Are Blocked
For tear duct or puncta obstruction caused by inflammation, nasolacrimal duct irrigation can be used to remove the obstructing material, along with antibiotics and corticosteroid treatment. The irrigation should be repeated every two weeks until the infection disappears. It should be noted that nasolacrimal duct irrigation must be performed by a professional doctor. When irrigation of the nasolacrimal duct is ineffective, tear duct catheterization is necessary to clear the blockage.