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What are the causes of dog tear ducts?

There are various reasons for the formation of tear stains. For example, if a dog's diet is too spicy, they love to eat human food, or the food they eat contains excessive salt. Some dogs have severe tear stains due to primary hyperlacrimation, a genetic disorder characterized by excessive tear production and poor development of the tear ducts. There are also tear stains caused by diseases, such as ear inflammation, ear lice, gum inflammation, eye inflammation caused by yeast or bacteria.

Common causes of tear stains

Dietary reasons: A dog's diet with strong flavors and human food can easily lead to tear stains. Inherited reasons: Some dogs have heavy tear stains due to primary hyperlacrimation, a genetic disorder. Pathological reasons: Tear stains can be caused by ear inflammation, ear lice, gum inflammation, eye inflammation caused by yeast or bacteria, or narrowing or obstruction of the tear duct caused by swelling of the tear duct mucosa. Eyelash growth reasons: Dogs with eyelashes growing inward also suffer from very severe tear stains.

How to remove tear stains

Medical treatment: Tear stain removers can clean the tear stains and spots around the eyes, but they need to be used consistently. Regular cleaning: Regularly cleaning the dog's eyes and secretions around them can help remove tear stains when used with eye drops. Adjust diet: Focus on light flavors and avoid giving dogs human food, especially food with high salt content. Eyelid trichiasis: Regularly trim the hair around the dog's eyes to prevent eyelashes from falling into their eyes, causing long-term tear flow and tear stains. Remember that the treatment cycle for dog tear stains is long, and persistence is necessary.

How to prevent tear stains

Trim hair: Regularly trim the dog's hair around the eyes to avoid stimulation of the conjunctiva and tear stains caused by hair growth. Regular eye cleaning: Clean the dog's eyes and eyelids daily, paying attention to the areas where dirt is likely to accumulate. If the eyes are too dry or have a lot of secretions, artificial tears or saline solution can be used for cleaning. Eye massage: Perform an eye massage three times a week to help keep the nasolacrimal duct clear and reduce tear production. Watch for eye changes: If any diseases are detected, treat them early to prevent long-term formation of tear stains.