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Symptoms of dogs lacking trace elements

The symptoms of dogs lacking trace elements mainly include: poop eating, ingesting foreign objects, excessive hair loss, nose color fading, picky eating, Dumpster diving, and more. If your dog shows these symptoms, you can give it trace elements, and the general symptoms will be alleviated. In addition, it is necessary to feed the dog high-quality dog food and pay attention to supplementing its nutrition and vitamins regularly to prevent the above symptoms.

  1. Poop eating

In many people's cognition, dogs tend to eat their own poop. In fact, this behavior is not because the dog is hungry but due to a lack of trace elements. When a dog's body lacks vitamins, it will try to obtain them from poop. To correct this situation, appropriately supplement your dog with trace elements.

  1. Ingesting foreign objects

If a dog lacks trace elements, it may exhibit behaviors such as chewing on walls at home or licking the floor. When taken outside, the dog might even chew on stones, bark, and grass along the roadside. In this case, owners should promptly stop the dog's behavior to prevent gastrointestinal blockage and provide it with food rich in nutrients to ensure balanced nutrition intake.

  1. Excessive hair loss

When a dog experiences significant hair loss, red, inflamed, crusty, and ulcerated skin, owners often assume it's a skin disease. However, the underlying cause might be a lack of zinc, a trace element in the dog's body.

  1. Nose color fading

A dog lacking trace elements may also exhibit symptoms of faded nose color. To help restore the dog's nose to its original color, feed it more nutrient-rich dog food and expose it to sunlight regularly.

  1. Picky eating

When a dog lacks trace elements, it may become picky or even refuse to eat, along with an increased urge to chew on things. Therefore, when a dog exhibits picky eating symptoms, owners should pay attention and ensure the dog's food contains balanced nutrients.

  1. Dumpster diving

When a dog lacks the element iodine, it may constantly rummage through trash cans and eat kitchen scraps. Many owners mistakenly believe this behavior is just the dog being playful and don't pay much attention to it. If you notice your dog rummaging through trash, consider whether it's due to a lack of trace elements. You can feed the dog some seafood, but be cautious when feeding fish, as dogscan accidentally swallow fish bones and injure their digestive tract.