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Reactions after Teddy gets vaccinated
Teddy may exhibit signs of lethargy, poor appetite, edema, abscess, pain, local tissue hyperplasia, increased body temperature, and diarrhea within 24 hours after vaccination. These reactions usually recover within 1 to 7 days. Severe vaccine allergies include facial edema, generalized or localized itching, petechiae, local hair loss, formation of granulomas or aseptic abscesses, low blood pressure and oxygen levels, and shock. In this case, medical attention should be sought promptly.
Why does Teddy need to get vaccinated every year?
Dogs receive annual vaccinations primarily to prevent infectious diseases, as these diseases have a high mortality rate, are expensive to treat, and cause considerable suffering to the dog. It is unavoidable for dogs to come into contact with other dogs in our daily lives. If the dog comes into contact with a sick dog, the chances of infection are very high. In addition to annual vaccinations, adult dogs also need monthly external parasite prevention and internal parasite prevention every three months.
How to check if Teddy is eligible for vaccination
Before a dog receives a vaccine, it must be ensured that the dog is completely healthy and free of symptoms such as sneezing, diarrhea, vomiting, and coughing. In addition, infectious disease testing, such as distemper, parvovirus, and coronavirus, is required. If all tests come back negative, it indicates that the dog is healthy and eligible for vaccination. Do not bathe the dog until the vaccination is complete, and pay attention to keeping the dog warm after vaccination.
Precautions after Teddy gets vaccinated
Firstly, stay at the hospital for an hour after the vaccination. If the dog shows signs of vaccine allergies, increased body temperature, or poor mental status, seek medical attention immediately. Do not bathe the dog for a week after vaccination, and do not take the dog outdoors for play. Also, avoid giving the dog oral antibiotics, deworming drugs, etc., otherwise, it may lead to immunological failure.