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Continuous vomiting in dogs after deworming

Is it normal for a dog to vomit continuously after deworming?

Yes, it is a normal phenomenon. The stimulation of the deworming medicine is particularly strong, which stimulates the dog's stomach and intestines, leading to loss of appetite and vomiting. However, it will recover after a few days of rest. The dosage of the deworming medicine should be determined according to the dog's weight. The dog should be fasting for about 4 hours before deworming and for about 12 hours during the deworming period. However, small amounts of water can be given during the deworming period.

Do all dogs vomit after taking deworming medicine?

Not all dogs will vomit after taking deworming medicine. Vomiting is usually caused by a large number of parasites in the body. Some dogs may even excrete parasites in their stool, which are all normal phenomena. If the dog vomits or excretes parasites, it is recommended to repeat the internal deworming after two weeks because there may still be some eggshells and larvae in the dog's body that need to be removed. The vomited or excreted parasites must be cleaned up, and the house should be disinfected.

What to do if a dog vomits after deworming?

Give it some warm water, and if possible, mix probiotics with the water. If a dog vomits after deworming, it may indicate that there are parasites in its body. In this case, it is recommended to repeat the deworming after one month. If the dog licks the external deworming medicine, it can drink a lot of water to accelerate metabolism and promote toxin excretion.

Points to note when giving dogs deworming medicine

Determine the dog's medication dosage according to its weight and physical condition. Caregivers must strictly follow the instructions in the packaging to give the dog deworming medicine. It is best to give the dog the medicine two hours after it has eaten. Pay attention to the dog's stool after it has taken the deworming medicine. Sometimes, the dog will excrete eggshells or dead parasites together, indicating that the deworming medicine has been effective.