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What is the reason for a puppy vomiting after eating deworming medicine?

Vomiting in puppies after taking deworming medicine can be mainly attributed to overfeeding, strong stimulation of the deworming medicine, and sensitivity of the gastrointestinal tract. If the puppy vomits only once or twice, it indicates that the clinical symptoms are mild and is likely caused by the puppy's sensitive gastrointestinal tract. This usually recovered on its own, but the owner should still pay attention to observe. If the puppy vomits frequently, it is necessary to go to the pet hospital for treatment promptly. This could be due to excessive drug stimulation or drug poisoning caused by overfeeding.

  1. Overfeeding

The dosage of deworming medicine should be determined according to the puppy's weight. If the puppy is fed a large dose of deworming medicine, it may cause poisoning and subsequent vomiting. For the sake of the puppy's health, it is recommended to bring the puppy to the pet hospital for further handling and treatment. The deworming medicine fed to the puppy should also be brought along so that the pet doctor can make a clear diagnosis in time. If the poisoning symptoms are severe, it may even lead to death.

  1. Strong Stimulation of Deworming Medicine

If the puppy vomits after eating deworming medicine in accordance with the normal dosage, it is likely due to the strong stimulation of the deworming medicine, which irritates the puppy's gastrointestinal tract and triggers vomiting. If the symptoms are mild, the puppy usually recovers after a few days of rest. Meanwhile, it is not recommended for pet owners to purchase deworming medicine online or from other channels, as they may not be aware of the characteristics of the deworming medicine and may easily buy stimulant-containing products.

  1. Sensitive Gastrointestinal Tract

Some puppies have sensitive gastrointestinal tracts, and deworming medicine can easily cause gastrointestinal irritation, leading to vomiting and diarrhea. In cases of vomiting caused by deworming medicine, temporarily stopping food and water intake can significantly improve the symptoms. If there is no improvement, the puppy can be taken to the pet hospital for an anti-vomiting injection.

Note: For puppies with sensitive gastrointestinal tracts or young dogs, it is recommended to choose deworming medicine with high safety or select drops that protect both the body and external parasites.