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Do dogs need to be fasting after vomiting dog food?

Yes, when a dog vomits dog food, it initially vomits the remaining food in its stomach, then stomach acid and bile. Therefore, when a dog vomits dog food, it is necessary to fasting at home for observation for a day. This allows the dog's stomach to digest the remaining food and reduces the burden on the dog's digestive system and stomach. If the dog is not fasting and continues to eat, it will further stimulate the intestines and stomach, leading to excessive burden and worsening the condition. The dog can be fed a small amount the next day if there are no abnormalities. If vomiting continues and the cause is unclear, it is necessary to take the dog to a professional pet hospital for timely treatment and medication, and never randomly use human medicine.

  1. Eating too fast or too full leads to vomiting of dog food

Vomiting caused by dogs eating too fast, too much, or eating cold and spicy foods is a physiological response. Dogs will vomit undigested food, but if the dog's mental state is normal and there are no other abnormalities, this is a normal rumination phenomenon. You can give the dog some probiotics to protect its stomach.

  1. Strenuous exercise after eating

Allowing a dog to engage in strenuous exercise immediately after eating can easily cause vomiting. At this time, the food in the dog's stomach has not been digested, so it is best not to let the dog exercise right after eating. Rest is the best option.

  1. Disease caused

If a dog persistently vomits frequently and is accompanied by loss of appetite, lethargy, diarrhea, tearfulness, sneezing, and the cause of vomiting cannot be determined; it may be caused by inflammation of the dog's intestines. In this case, fasting and observation are necessary to facilitate medical examination. If it is convenient to go to the hospital, timely medical attention should be sought. In the process of raising the dog, its food intake should be controlled. Avoid feeding foods that can easily scratch the dog's intestines, such as bones. You can also pair probiotics specifically designed for pets to regulate and control the dog's diet.