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Fastest Solution for a Bloated Cat

Cat abdominal bloating requires first identifying the cause and then choosing the appropriate solution.

Firstly, if the bloating is caused by overeating, you can appropriately increase the cat's physical activity to promote intestinal peristalsis and accelerate digestion. Additionally, gentle abdominal massages or medications that stimulate intestinal peristalsis can also be applied. Secondly, if the bloating is caused by foreign object obstruction or ascites, it is necessary to take the cat to the pet hospital for examination and treatment as soon as possible to avoid delaying the diagnosis.

  1. Bloating caused by overeating
  • If a cat's bloating is caused by overeating, the owner can appropriately increase the cat's exercise, such as taking the cat for a post-meal walk or using a cat toy to attract the cat's attention, allowing it to become more active and thus promoting intestinal peristalsis and accelerating digestion.
  • Alternatively, the owner can help the cat's digestion by giving it a clockwise abdominal massage, which aids in stomach movement and gas elimination.
  • If the cat's abdominal bloating is severe, the owner can feed the cat medications that promote intestinal peristalsis under the guidance of a veterinarian, which will facilitate bowel movements and alleviate the situation.

Note: Once the cat's condition returns to normal, do not suddenly feed it large amounts of food. Stick to the principle of feeding small meals frequently to avoid bloating再次发生。

  1. Bloating caused by foreign object obstruction

If a cat's bloating is caused by a foreign object obstruction, it is essential to take the cat to the pet hospital for inspection to determine the size and location of the object. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to remove the object. Cat owners should also be cautious about what their pets eat and ensure that items like needles, threads, plastics, and sharp objects are securely stored away to prevent the cat from contacting or ingesting them.

  1. Bloating caused by ascites

If touching the cat's abdomen reveals a distinct pulsating sensation, it is likely due to ascites. Immediate inspection at a pet hospital is required to identify the specific cause, drain the ascites, and administer targeted treatment.