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Feline Hepatitis Symptoms
Feline hepatitis mainly presents the following symptoms: depression, loss of appetite, lethargy, decreased activity, increased body temperature, diarrhea, abdominal distension, frequent vomiting with yellow or green vomit, dislike of fatty foods, and decreased interest in meat. Some cats may even develop yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes, ascites, and other symptoms. It is recommended to go to a pet hospital for diagnosis and treatment as soon as these symptoms appear to avoid delay in the condition.
There are two types of feline hepatitis: acute and chronic. The difference between them is that the stool color of chronic hepatitis is lighter, while the stool of acute hepatitis is foul-smelling and non-formed.
- Symptoms of Acute Feline Hepatitis
Acute feline hepatitis may present with symptoms such as loss of appetite, lethargy, and weight loss. Body temperature measurements may be normal or slightly elevated. In severe cases, there may be vomiting and jaundice, which usually manifests as yellow eyes, urine, and even yellow skin. If these symptoms appear, take your cat to a pet hospital promptly for examination, biochemical indicators, and detection of abnormal liver indicators. Then, actively treat the condition.
- Symptoms of Chronic Feline Hepatitis
Chronic feline hepatitis generally refers to a longer duration of illness. Clinical symptoms mainly include lack of activity, fatigue, decreased appetite, and occasionally nausea and vomiting. Yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes may also occur throughout the body. It is recommended that owners take their cats to a pet hospital regularly for checkups and treat the condition with liver protection drugs.