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Feline Herpesvirus Symptoms

Cats don't have lysine in their bodies that can inhibit herpesvirus, and feline herpesvirus can be found in the secretions of the nose, eyes, and throat of infected animals. However, most of the transmission is through nose contact or sneezing, which makes it highly contagious among cats. If a cat has wounds on its skin, it can infect the virus through licking its fur, causing skin ulcers. Alternatively, the virus can cause local ulcers on the facial skin through the infection of secretions from the nose and eyes.

What causes feline herpesvirus?

Cats don't have lysine in their bodies to inhibit herpesvirus, and feline herpesvirus can be found in the secretions of the nose, eyes, and throat of infected animals. Most of the transmission is through nose contact or sneezing, which makes it highly contagious among cats. If a cat has wounds on its skin, it can infect the virus through licking its fur, causing skin ulcers. Alternatively, the virus can cause local ulcers on the facial skin through the infection of secretions from the nose and eyes. Additionally, virus血症 can cause pregnant cats to transmit the virus to their fetuses, leading to miscarriage.

What are the symptoms of feline herpesvirus?

The early stages of the disease manifest as obvious upper respiratory infections, with symptoms such as increased body temperature, coughing, sneezing, foaming at the mouth, and excessive tearing. The discharge from the eyes and nose increases, initially being serous, then becoming purulent. Later, the cat may become lethargic, lose its appetite, and develop ulcerative stomatitis, generalized skin ulcers, pneumonia, and vaginitis.

Can cats with herpesvirus be cured?

When a cat contracts feline herpesvirus, it can recover as long as prompt treatment is provided. First, isolate the cat and clean the environment to prevent reinfection. Second, feed the cat lysine and supplement its diet with nutritional supplements or probiotics. If the cat's condition does not improve or becomes more severe, take it to the vet for treatment.